This event was to increase awareness and understanding of adolescent sleep and to build ideas for supporting adolescents and parents/carers with this. This event was being staged by the ACAMH Wales Branch.
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Slides Dr. Dean Burnett
Slides Dr. Jenna Vyas-Lee
About the event
Good mental health always seems to involve sleep in one way or another.
One stereotype about teenagers is that they’re inevitably lazy, and refuse to get out of bed at a reaonsable hour. But this behaviour is more likely due to the chaotic and demanding neurological developments the typical adolescent brain is experiencing. Dr. Dean Burnett explains what’s going on, and why adolescent sleeping pattern should be dealt with sympathetically, not critically.
It is common for children and young people, particularly those who are in high-risk groups, to have difficulty with their sleep. Having, and maintaining, good sleep hygiene can help to get sleep and to stay asleep. Dr. Jenna Vyas-Lee‘s talk will include information on the importance of behavioural sleep intervention for adolescents, the impact of sleep intervention, and strategies to support professionals to improve sleep patterns of those they work with.
Key Takeaways
- Increased understanding and awareness of the difficulties related to adolescent sleep.
- Learn how to support adolescents and parents/carers regarding sleep issues.
- Increase understanding of the relationship between sleep and mental health
- Share information about recent evidence-based interventions
- Equip professionals, parents and carers to address sleep issues effectively – through knowledge of sources of information and support, and through knowledge of practical strategies.
Who is it for
All those working with adolescents, or who contribute to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents, e.g. school governors, teaching and support staff, social workers, CAMHS professionals.
10:00 Welcome from the ACAMH Wales Branch
10:05 Dr. Dean Burnett – Missing the best part of the day? The misunderstood science of adolescent sleep
10:35 Q & A
10:45 Break
11:00 Dr. Jenna Vyas-Lee – Behavioural sleep intervention to support sleep in adolescents
11:30 Q & A
11:40 – 11:45 Closing statement
About the speakers

Dr. Dean Burnett is a celebrated neuroscientist and author. After completing his PhD in behavioural neuroscience at Cardiff Psychology School, he spent many years tutoring and lecturing for a postgraduate psychiatry programme. Alongside this, he was a prolific science writer and communicator. Following the successful publication of his debut book The Idiot Brain, Dean is now a full time author, and regularly writes about mental health and issues around it.
@garwboy – Twitter
Dr. Jenna Vyas-Lee
I am a Clinical Psychologist specialising in the psychology of children and their families. Referrals are very much welcomed for those in need of support for any type or combination of psychological issue. I have worked very successfully with child and adolescent sleep difficulties, schooling problems, anxiety, low mood and low self- confidence, behavioural difficulties, fluctuating emotions, reduced concentration, and diagnosable common mental health problems.
I use a range of therapy modalities to achieve great results, including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Analytic Therapy methods and Psychodynamic models.
Working, studying, and contributing to teaching at World leading mental health research hospitals for a decade has given me a significant base of experience from which to offer research adherent and effective psychological help. I have also been involved in setting up local NHS services for children’s sleep and wellbeing in London.
Enigma cwsg y glasoed: gwyddor sy’n cael ei gam-ddeall ac ymyrraeth effeithiol
Diben y digwyddiad hwn yw cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth pobl am gwsg y glasoed ac adeiladu syniadau ar gyfer cefnogi’r glasoed a rhieni/gofalwyr gyda’r mater hwn. Cynhelir y digwyddiad hwn gan Gangen Cymru o ACAMH.
Gair am y digwyddiad
Mae’n ymddangos bod iechyd meddwl da bob amser yn ymwneud â chwsg mewn rhyw ffordd neu’r llall.
Un ystrydeb am bobl ifanc yn eu harddegau yw bod ganddyn nhw natur ddiog a’u bod nhw’n gwrthod codi o’r gwely ar amser rhesymol. Ond, mae’n fwy na thebyg mai’r rheswm am yr ymddygiad hwn yw’r datblygiadau niwrolegol anhrefnus ac anodd sy’n digwydd yn ymennydd arferol y bobl ifanc hyn. Mae Dr. Dean Burnett yn esbonio beth sy’n digwydd, a pham y dylai patrwm cysgu’r glasoed gael ei drin gyda chydymdeimlad, nid beirniadaeth.
Mae’n arferol i blant a phobl ifanc, yn enwedig y rhai sydd mewn grwpiau risg uchel, gael anawsterau cysgu. Mae ceisio dod yn fwy iach o ran eu cwsg, a pharhau i wneud hynny, yn gallu eu helpu i fynd i gysgu ac i aros ynghwsg. Bydd sgwrs Vicki Dawson yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am bwysigrwydd ymyrryd yn ymddygiad cwsg y glasoed, effaith ymyrraeth cwsg, a strategaethau i gefnogi pobl broffesiynol i wella patrymau cysgu’r bobl y maen nhw’n gweithio gyda nhw.
Y Prif Fuddion
- Gwell dealltwriaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth o’r anawsterau sy’n berthnasol i gwsg y glasoed.
- Dysgu sut i gefnogi’r glasoed a rhieni/gofalwyr gyda phroblemau cysgu.
- Cynyddu’r ddealltwriaeth am y berthynas rhwng cwsg ac iechyd meddwl
- Rhannu gwybodaeth am ymyraethau diweddar sydd wedi eu seilio ar dystiolaeth
- Rhoi’r medrau i bobl broffesiynol, rhieni a gofalwyr ymdrin yn effeithiol â phroblemau cysgu – trwy wybodaeth am ffynonellau gwybodaeth a chymorth, a thrwy wybodaeth am strategaethau ymarferol.
I bwy mae hwn
Pawb sy’n gweithio gyda’r glasoed, neu sy’n helpu i gefnogi eu hiechyd meddwl a’u lles, e.e. llywodraethwyr ysgol, staff addysgu a chymorth, gweithwyr cymdeithasol, pobl broffesiynol CAMHS.
10.00 Croeso gan Gangen Cymru ACAMH
10.05 – 10.35 Dr. Dean Burnett ‘Colli rhan orau’r diwrnod? Gwyddor cwsg y glasoed sy’n cael ei gamddeall’
10.35 – 10.45 Holi ac Ateb
10.45 – 10.00 Egwyl
11.00 – 11.30 Vicki Dawson ‘Ymyrraeth ymddygiadol mewn cwsg er mwyn cefnogi cwsg ymhlith y glasoed’
11.30 – 11.40 Holi ac Ateb
11.40 – 11.45 Datganiadau i gloi
Gair am y siaradwyr

Mae Dr. Dean Burnett yn awdur ac yn niwrowyddonydd adnabyddus. Ar ôl iddo gwblhau PhD mewn niwrowyddoniaeth ymddygiadol yn Ysgol Seicoleg Caerdydd, treuliodd flynyddoedd lawer yn addysgu ac yn darlithio ar raglen seiciatreg ôl-raddedig. Ochr yn ochr â hynny, roedd yn gyfathrebwr ac yn awdur gwyddoniaeth toreithiog. Yn dilyn cyhoeddiad llwyddiannus ei lyfr cyntaf, The Idiot Brain, mae Dean yn awdur llawn amser erbyn hyn ac yn ysgrifennu’n rheolaidd am iechyd meddwl a’r ystyriaethau sydd ynghlwm wrtho.
@garwboy – Twitter