Children’s Understanding of Depression
Depression is a mental illness that affects children and especially adolescents, however little is known about how children and adolescents understand depression. Gaining an understanding of how children perceive illness can facilitate effective communication with health professionals and children’s active involvement in decision-making about their health.
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What is the effect of post-institutionalisation? A research digest
Research digest on DePasquale, Donzella and Gunnar’s (2018) study, which was published JCPP ‘Pubertal recalibration of cortisol reactivity following early life stress: a cross‐sectional analysis’.
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Most Cited JCPP Articles #9 of 60
Most cited JCPP papers #9 of 60: Antenatal maternal stress and long-term effects on child neurodevelopment: how and why?
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Back to school
“The government has recognised the need for greater focus on child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing, although is yet to provide adequate funding to match its rhetoric or a clear strategy for what in-school intervention would look like. Whilst early preventative programmes can be really useful for young people, I can’t help but think that the newly proposed in-school mental health initiatives might to some extent be treating problems created by the education culture that has been set up.”
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JCPP Annual Research Review
Free access to the articles included in the JCPP Annual Research Review, “Reimagining the environment in developmental psychopathology: from molecules to effective treatments”, until June 2018.
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Child & Adolescent Mental Health: Through a digital lens
Despite the significant increase, availability and usage of mobile devices by children and teenagers, there is still a lack of evidence to support their safety or effectiveness with vulnerable populations.
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JCPP Editorial: Volume 58, Issue 09, September 2017
“Basic science and treatment innovation” by Jonathan Green
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