Words Matter: Understanding, Impact, and Prevention of Childhood Verbal Abuse
Set of three webinars on Childhood Verbal Abuse (CVA). This is characterised by adults shouting, yelling, denigrating, and verbally threatening the child. These types of adult actions can be as damaging to a child’s development as other currently recognized and forensically established subtypes of maltreatment such as childhood physical and sexual abuse.
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The acute effects of community violence on young children’s regulatory, behavioral, and developmental outcomes in a low-income urban sample in Brazil
Paper from the JCPP – ‘This study leverages natural variation in the timing and location of community homicides to estimate their acute effects on the regulatory, behavioral, and developmental outcomes of Brazilian 3-year-olds.’ Dana C. McCoy (pic) et al.
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Factors mitigating the harmful effects of intimate partner violence on adolescents’ depressive symptoms—A longitudinal birth cohort study
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘This study assessed the extent to which positive experiences were associated with depressive symptoms among children with and without experience of intimate partner violence.’ Dawid Gondek et al.
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Is formal processing through the juvenile justice system linked with an increased risk of reoffending?
Data from a new study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry support that formally processing adolescents through the juvenile justice system after their first arrest for a mild-to-moderate crime is linked with an increased risk of reoffending.
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Increasing knife crime: Aggressive Adolescents or Traumatized Teenagers?
Georgia Harvey discusses the link between anxiety, trauma and knife crime in young people.
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Why it’s good to ban smacking
I remember going to an international conference on child abuse and neglect many years ago and thinking before I went, that the UK was pretty far ahead in terms of the services we offer. I was shocked when one presentation went through some of the evidence on how smacking is related to physical abuse, and how many countries in the world allowed it.
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Most Cited JCPP Articles #20 of 60
Most cited JCPP papers #20 of 60: When more is not better: the role of cumulative risk in child behavior outcomes
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Low empathy in adolescent boys predicts violent behaviour in adulthood
Low empathy and low resting heart rate are established, independent risk factors of antisocial behaviour. Now, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have studied whether an interaction between these two factors during adolescence might mediate violent behaviour in early adulthood.
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Child to Parent Violence
Professor Stephen Scott responds to the ITV news’ story about child to parent violence. It was based on a report published on 11 July called Let’s Talk About: Child to Parent Violence and Aggression by the authors Dr Wendy Thorley and Al Coates MBE.
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Violent self-harm may predict subsequent suicide
Researchers in Sweden have found that violent methods of self-harm requiring hospitalization may indicate high risk of future suicide in adolescents and young women.
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