Parental mental health
From Valencia to Understanding the Mental Health Impacts of Floods on Children and Young People
Floods are the most common type of natural disaster, with 1.81 billion people facing significant flood risk worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Among those affected, children and young people are especially vulnerable due to limited coping strategies compared to adults and high dependence on caregivers. Despite this, research on the impacts of floods on their mental health remains scarce.
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Parental Mental Health: Childhood Outcomes and Importance of Creating Positive Relationships
Starting a family can be a considered a big milestone for some, however the transition to parenthood can be difficult for both men and women, with the exacerbation or onset of mental health problems following parenthood. Now it its third year, UK Parent Mental Health Day (27 January) aims to challenge the stigmas surrounding parents’ and carers’ mental health.
This UK Parent Mental Health Day, we encourage you to explore the learning opportunities available on our website, and to share with your networks.
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Children of parents with depression or anxiety: Long-term follow-up, causality and resilience
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘Three papers in the December issue (2023) of JCPP Advances focus on children of parents with depression or anxiety. Parental depression and anxiety are both highly prevalent psychiatric conditions, representing a major public health concern. The aim of this editorial is to provide context to the findings of these three studies and to highlight important methodological strengths.’ Henrik Larsson (pic).
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Mood and Anxiety Disorders in the Children of Depressed Parents
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Vicky Powell discusses her JCPP Advances paper ‘Following the children of depressed parents from childhood to adult life: A focus on mood and anxiety disorders’. Vicky is the lead author of the paper.
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Effectiveness of Nurse-home Visiting in Improving Child and Maternal Outcomes Prenatally
In this Papers Podcast, Assistant Professor Nicole Catherine discusses her JCPP paper ‘Effectiveness of nurse-home visiting in improving child and maternal outcomes prenatally to age two years: a randomised controlled trial (British Columbia Healthy Connections Project)’.
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Reciprocal relations between interparental aggression and symptoms of oppositional defiant and conduct disorders: a seven-wave cohort study of within-family effects from preschool to adolescence
Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘This study examined whether increased interparental aggression predicted increased symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) from preschool to adolescence and vice versa.’ Habib Niyaraq Nobakht (pic) et al.
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Pathways from maternal depression to child resilience: Socioeconomic, family, and individual factors in the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘These findings suggest that cognitive stimulation in early childhood may represent a modifiable protective factor for children exposed to maternal depression and a promising intervention target to promote child resilience in the context of maternal depression exposure.’ Jessica Mayumi Maruyama and Andreas Bauer (pic) et al.
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The SWELL clinical trial: Preventing depression in young people who have a parent with a history of depression
The Skills for Adolescent WELLbeing (SWELL) study team are currently recruiting parents with a history of depression and a child aged 13-17 to take part in an exciting new study testing whether a group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) program that teaches skills for wellbeing can prevent depression or reduce depression symptoms in young people.
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Preventing Anxiety in the Children of Anxious Parents
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Fiona Challacombe discusses her co-authored CAMH journal paper ‘Preventing anxiety in the children of anxious parents – feasibility of a brief, online, group intervention for parents of one- to three-year-olds’.
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FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder): Understanding the Diagnosis
In this ‘In Conversation’ podcast, Sandra Butcher and Rachel Jackson provide insight into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
In the United Kingdom, September is celebrated as FASD Awareness Month, with 9 September internationally recognised as International FASD Day.
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