
  • confused young girl

    OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) experience unpleasant and intrusive thoughts, images, doubts or urges (called obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (called compulsions). Compulsions are usually carried out as a way of reducing the distress caused by obsessions. OCD takes many different forms and causes distress and interference to day-to-day life. 

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  • mum with toddler on knee


    Parenting: an introduction to the importance of parenting for children and young people’s mental health and the effectiveness of parenting interventions. From this topic guide, you can find the latest blogs, events, publications, videos and podcasts.

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  • teen girl purple hair


    Psychotherapies are commonly used therapies for children and young people. They can help children and families understand and resolve problems, change their behaviour and change the way they think and feel about their experiences.

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  • worried teen girl

    Self-harm & Suicide

    Self-harm is an increasingly recognised phenomenon and one of the strongest predictors of suicide, which continues to be one of the leading causes of death in young people worldwide. Self-harm can take many forms and may present with or without suicidal intent and both in the context of mental disorder, and without.

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  • two young teen school girls with books and rucksacks

    School-based interventions

    Children and young people spend a great deal of time at school, so it has an important role to play in their development. Time spent in school impacts not just on academic and cognitive progress, but also on social interactions, peer relationships, emotional regulation and behaviour. All these areas affect, and are affected by, mental health (Fazel et al, 2014).

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  • young girl with pillow standing cant sleep


    Children and adolescents who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health also often struggle with their sleep. Indeed disrupted or altered sleep has been associated with most psychiatric disorders (Gregory & Sadeh, 2016). Although a range of sleep difficulties can co-occur with mental health problems, a common difficulty is insomnia. As such this guidance will primarily focus on difficulties with getting to sleep and staying asleep.

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  • Teen girl trying to speak

    Tourette Syndrome

    Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological condition that is estimated to effect over 300,000 children and adults in the UK; and one school child in every hundred.

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  • Traumatised young boy


    Most children and young people experience at least one traumatic event before age of 18 years.

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