CAMH journal

  • Dr. Amy McCulloch

    Dr. Amy McCulloch

    Dr Amy McCulloch is a Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Manchester and Galaxy House inpatient unit at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. She is Debates Intern and a committee member for the Northwest branch of ACAMH.

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  • A heartfelt thank you to all our Reviewers

    In addition to our latest Top Reviewer lists for our three journals, we wanted to express our gratitude to every single reviewer from 2023 for their invaluable contributions to the JCPP, the CAMH journal and JCPP Advances, and the wider academic community as a whole.

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  • Top Reviewers 2021

    Congratulations and Thanks to our Top Reviewers

    To celebrate Peer Review Week 2024 and show our gratitude for the ongoing support and service of our reviewers to the journals, and the wider scientific community, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all peer reviewers.

    We are proud to present the list of top reviewers for the 2023 calendar year.

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  • Leading Child and Adolescent Mental Health Journals Achieve Impressive Impact Factors in 2023

    Leading Child and Adolescent Mental Health Journals Achieve Impressive Impact Factors in 2023

    We are pleased to announce the strong performance of our journals in the 2023 Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) and Journal Impact Factor (JIF) rankings.

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