early career researchers (ECRs)

  • Invitation to submit nominations for the 2025 Helmut Remschmidt

    A message from our colleagues at IACAPAP. We are delighted to invite you to submit nominations for the 2025 Helmut Remschmidt Research Seminar (HRRS2025) which will be held from 7-12 September 2025 at Kloster Irsee, Germany. The HRRS2025 will have a particular focus on emerging researchers from the European Region with a theme of “Empowering child and adolescent mental health through evidence-based approaches”.

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  • Tavgah Jafar

    The Emotional Toll of Insider Qualitative Research

    In this blog, Tavgah Jafar explores the emotional challenges of insider qualitative research, drawing from their personal experiences. Tavgah reflects on the unexpected emotional impact and share lessons learned, alongside practical advice for new researchers to manage these challenges.

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  • Eliza Hamdorf

    Boreout in Early Career Researchers: Recognising and Addressing the Hidden Workplace Challenge

    Boreout is a workplace issue characterised by low engagement, lack of meaning, and limited growth opportunities (Rothlin & Werder, 2008), and can affect anyone in the workforce, including early career researchers. This blog explores how boreout can impact mental health professionals, especially those new to academia, and provides practical strategies for preventing it. Understanding boreout is essential for mental health practitioners and researchers to maintain both personal well-being and career fulfilment.

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  • Tanatswa Chikaura

    From Zimbabwe to Cambridge: Discussing Mental Health Research and Advocacy

    In this In Conversation Podcast, Clara Faria is joined by Tanatswa Chikaura, a mental health researcher and advocate, Founder and Director of Ndinewe Foundation, and PhD candidate in the Department of Psychiatry in the University of Cambridge. Tanatswa’s research interests include suicide prevention, trauma, and mental health among autistic children and adults. Tanatswa was acknowledged in 2023 with a Diana Award for her mental health advocacy work. The focus of this podcast is on Tanatswa’s research journey, her mental health advocacy work, and how she conciliates both.

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  • Pauline Thibaut

    University Students and Imposterism: Its Relationship with Happiness, Self-Efficacy, and Perfectionism

    Imposter syndrome is a pertinent issue in academia. A recent article from May 2023 titled “The imposter phenomenon and its relationship with self-efficacy, perfectionism and happiness in university students” (Pákozdy et al., 2023) sheds light on this pressing issue. This blog aims to summarise the key findings of the article, discuss its strengths and limitations, evaluate its evidence, and provide a personal perspective on how this evidence can inform practice and future research.

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  • Pauline Thibaut

    Loneliness and Early Career Researchers: An Evidence-Based Perspective

    Loneliness is a significant and often overlooked issue among early career researchers (ECRs). This phenomenon can have profound implications for both personal well-being and professional development. Recent studies have highlighted the prevalence of loneliness among academics, particularly those in the early stages of their careers, suggesting that this issue warrants serious attention from both research and policy perspectives.

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