Neurodevelopmental conditions
Laurie Hannigan
Laurie Hannigan is a senior researcher based at the Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Oslo, Norway. He completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Southampton, in the UK, followed by a master’s in Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry at King’s College London. He obtained his PhD in Behavior Genetics from King’s in 2018.
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Neurodevelopmental Dimensional Assessment and Genomic Risk of Neuropsychiatric Conditions
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Sam Chawner discusses his JCPP Advances paper ‘Neurodevelopmental dimensional assessment of young children at high genomic risk of neuropsychiatric conditions’. Sam is the first author of the paper.
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JCPP Editorial: Volume 64, Issue 10, October 2023
Editorial: “Paradigm ‘flipping’ to reinvigorate translational science: Outlining a neurodevelopmental science framework from a ‘neurodiversity’ perspective” by Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke
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Transdiagnostic Profiles of Behaviour and Communication: Academic and Socioemotional Functioning and Neural White Matter Organisation
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Silvana Mareva discusses her JCPP paper ‘Transdiagnostic profiles of behaviour and communication relate to academic and socioemotional functioning and neural white matter organisation’. Silvana is the first author of the paper.
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JCPP Editorial: Volume 64, Issue 04, Annual Research Review, April 2023
Editorial: ‘Unsettling ‘settled’ science – the importance of questioning received wisdom about the causes of mental health and neuro-developmental conditions’ by Sara Jaffee
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‘NDC Learning Series’ – Medications and Physical Health recording
We welcomed Dr. Mark Lovell and Dr. Max Davie. with a session that will focus on ‘Medications and Physical Health’. The Chair of this session was Dr. Ann Ozsivadjian. This was the fifth, of the ‘NDC Learning Series’ aimed at health professionals who come into contact with children and young people who have Neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs).
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