How to use the Forum

Welcome to ACAMH Forums Early Career Forum How to use the Forum

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 months ago by Matt KempenMatt Kempen.
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  • Author
  • #31500
    Matt KempenMatt Kempen

    Replying to a discussion thread

    • Discussions are presented chronologically with the most recent one at the end.
    • From the Forum home page (the ones that lists all the discussions), you can link straight to the most recent post by clicking the time/date stamp under “Last post”
    • To post a reply, use the big box headed “Reply to:” at the end of the thread
    • See below for instructions on how to format your message
    • Don’t be shy!  Pop in and say hello.

    Starting a new discussion thread

    • Please check first that there isn’t already a thread that addresses your question.
    • If not, think of a snappy, clear Topic Title and type it in the box
    • Type your message in the big box below that.  In “Visual” mode (see Visual and Text tabs at the top right of the big box), you can use the icons to format your message nicely
    • You can paste text in from other applications, but this can mangle the layout – sorry, long story.  Here’s where “Text” mode comes in.  If this happens, delete the stuff you just pasted in, click into Text mode before you paste from Word or whatever, it’ll strip out everything except the important bits.  Click back to Visual to smarten it up as above.

    Email alerts

    All email alerts are “opt-ins”.

    • If you tick the box “Notify me of follow-up replies via email”, you’ll get an email whenever somebody replies to your message
    • If you click Subscribe on a Topic, you’ll get a similar email each time someone posts to it.  Click Unsubscribe if you get fed up of too many emails!

    Getting help

    • Reply to this thread and the Forum Admin will get an alert
    • They will update this post with instructions as the need arises.


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