ADHD in 2019: Learning’s from Ireland’s Specialist ADHD service in CAMHS


Event type Twilight Meeting

Linn Dara CAMHS, Training room

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It is very common for ADHD in children to present together with other developmental and/or mental health problems, such as oppositional and attachment disorders, Tourette’s syndrome, autism spectrum disorders and anxiety disorders. No single risk factor explains ADHD, but a mix of genetic and environmental factors working together that looks likely to be the cause.

The event will focus on the multidisciplinary assessment and management in a CAMHS setting. We are delighted to have secured renowned speaker Dr Jane McGrath. Jane is an Associate Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Trinity College Dublin, and as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in the HSE Linn Dara Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services leading ADMiRE, a specialist service for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

About the day
The event will focus on the multidisciplinary assessment and management in a CAMHS setting. Our speaker is the clinical lead in this recently developed specialist service involving SLT, OT, and nursing.
Many resources will be made available on the day including the newly designed family psycho-education booklet which includes topics such as sleep, medication, home tips.

The presentation will include information about the specially designed parent programme regarding managing behaviour at home. Other topics: screening for occupational therapy and speech and language needs in children with ADHD, appropriate use of medication, current research updates as well as information about local Irish research.

Who is it for

This day would be beneficial to those who work in a health setting, such as CAMHS professionals, Paediatricians, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and General Practioners.

Additionally, those that work in the education sector, including; educational psychologists, SENCOs, hospital school staff, and those that work with children affected with mental health issues who are looking to update their skills and knowledge on this subject.

About the speaker

Dr. Jane McGrath
Dr. Jane McGrath

Jane is a researcher and clinician, currently working as Associate Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Trinity College Dublin, and as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in the HSE Linn Dara Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services leading ADMiRE, a specialist service for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

From a research perspective, Jane has a background in using functional and structural neuroimaging to investigate neural connectivity in autism spectrum disorder. She is particularly interested in how brain connectivity influences behaviour, and her current neuroimaging research focuses on how changes in brain structure and function over time influence behaviour in children with ADHD.

Jane’s research interests are largely driven by concerns that have arisen out of clinical practice, and she aims to improve both clinical practice and safety for patients through her research.