Fluctuations in mood to the extremities of feeling can have a negative effect on your general emotional state. These Mood Disorders can interfere with your ability to effectively function. At times the individual can be disproportionately sad, have feelings of emptiness or irritability, together with times of depression interchanging with periods of extreme happiness or mania.
This day provides the perfect opportunity to update your understanding and skills in the assessing, treatment & management of young people who present with mood disorders.
The format is a balanced mixture of presentations by speakers to offer skills-based learning opportunities. The day will also provide an excellent opportunity for the delegates to network and share their experience and expertise with peers.
Quick links
Key takeaways
Who should attend
About the speakers
Key takeaways
- Comprehensive understanding of how mood disorders present in under 18s
- Insights in assessing, treating, and managing those who present with Mood Disorders
- Learn about the latest research and new innovations
Who should attend
This day would be beneficial to those who work with children and young people who are looking to update their skills and knowledge on this subject. In particular mental health professionals, such as CAMHS professionals, Paediatricians, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, and General Practitioners. Additionally, those that work in the education sector, including; Educational Psychologists, SENCOs, and Hospital School Staff. Plus of course academics and researchers of all levels.
About the speakers
Dr. Ruth Brand Flu is originally from the Northeast of the Amazon where she embarked on her medical studies and graduated in 1989 as a medical doctor. She has worked in the field of Psychiatry for over 30 years and trained in Europe in a system and during times where psychiatry and psychotherapy were completely amalgamated. She also trained and received supervision on severe psychotrauma i.e. dissociative disorders and personality disorders.
Ruth received further specialist psychiatry training in England and is also an EMDR therapist, which is an additional tool box for complex trauma. She also wrote her dissertation in regards to her medical studies on adults with autism. Her original background in the field of psychiatry was generic followed by life span learning disabilities until 2008. Since then, she has worked solely as a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and cares for children and young people with and without intellectual disability. Ruth currently works in the North of Scotland.
Ruth’s area of expertise also includes diagnostic assessments of autism in children as young as 18 months. She has a degree in an advanced form of sensory integration and is also certified massage therapist (for children with autism). Part of her learning curve stems from her multi agency colleagues and families. Having worked in a compromised part of an inner city, she has obtained a great deal of forensic expertise too. Ruth is committed to differential diagnosis rather than pigeonholing the patient. An additional expertise is combining neurocognitive findings with biopsychosocial formulation for best outcomes in young people.
In her career she has mainly worked as a locum consultant which provides a great deal of scope to integrate certain skills when required at the work place. One of her hobbies as a psychiatrist is to synergise with multiple professionals and to set up clinical focus groups with multi agency staff to address complex cases and issues. She has been involved in setting up several services i.e. in regards to developmental disorders and learning disabilities. She has obtained a Certificate Global mental health leadership.

Dr. Milavić is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital, London. She has over 40 years of experience in acute clinical practice, teaching and training. During her career she has been at the forefront of the organisation of mental health services for children and adolescents in southeast London. She is a Trustee and medical advisor of a number of mental health charities in the UK and internationally.
“My discussion ‘Can neuroscience lead to treatment innovations?’ will be on range of studies looking into neurobiological processes underlying depression in children and adolescents. It will offer you the chance to broaden your scope of interventions for specific populations and comorbid conditions. Plus I will be describing the limits of our understanding as to how medications really work.”

Dr. Sharma is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Newcastle University and Honorary Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. His areas of clinical academic interest area are bipolar disorder impacting on children and adolescents and complex neurodevelopmental disorders. His areas of expertise also include co-design and co-production in mental health and use of m-health technologies which has led to the development of C.A.L.M. App which aims to empower and improve the lives of young people (16-25) living with bipolar disorder.

Philip Asherson, MB,BS, MRCPsych, PhD is Professor of Molecular Psychiatry at the MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) Research Centre at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London in the United Kingdom.
Philip earned his medical degree from The Royal London Hospital and his doctoral degree from the University of Wales. He was an MRC Clinical Research Fellow in the Department of Psychological Medicine & Institute of Medical Genetics at the University of Wales College of Medicine in Cardiff where he worked on molecular genetic studies of schizophrenia with Profs. Mike Owen and Peter McGuffin.
Prof. Asherson works on clinical, quantitative genetic and molecular genetic studies of ADHD in adults and children; and clinical assessment and treatment of adult ADHD. He has been a senior member of the UK National Adult ADHD Clinic at the Maudsley Hospital since 1998; which was established by Brian Toone and Suzy Young in 1994. He has published several articles on the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adults, with a particular focus on approaches that are relevant to clinical services in the UK. He played a key role in the NICE guidelines for ADHD that were published in autumn 2008, with his main contributions being discussions on the validity of the diagnostic construct of ADHD and providing expert guidance on the clinical procedures and services required for the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adults. Current research projects include the International Multi-centre ADHD Gene (IMAGE) project (IMAGE) that is using a quantitative trait approach to map genes for ADHD. IMAGE has collected over 1,000 families with one or more individuals with combined type ADHD. He and Jonna Kuntsi work together on family and twin studies that are identifying neuropsychological processes that mediate genetic effects on ADHD. He is the author and co-author of more than 140 articles and book chapters on genetics of psychiatric conditions including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and ADHD, as well as idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). He is President UK Adult ADHD Network.
09:00 Registration
09:30 Introduction
o9:45 Dr. Ruth Brand-Flu ‘Taming the waters’
10:45 Break
11:00 Dr. Gordana Milavić ‘Can neuroscience lead to treatment innovations?’
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Dr. Aditya Sharma ‘Bipolar in children – research, challenges, and treatment’
14:00 Break
14:15 Prof. Philip Asherson ‘Mood dysregulation in adults’
15:15 End
Slides are password protected, those we have permission to share will be made available when they are supplied to us.
Dr. Ruth Brand-Flu Taming the Waters – Ruth Brand Flu
Dr. Gordana Milavić GM ACAMH Depression 2019 MOOD
Dr. Aditya Sharma PBD ACAMH Southampton Slides Aditya Sharma
Prof. Philip Asherson ‘Mood dysregulation in adults’ – awaiting slides