Connecting the dots around unusual and distressing sensory experiences – recording for members
Free for members. This webinar and Q&A will looked at a range of projects to explore the breadth of lived experiences around unusual and distressing sensory experience to explore research priorities with young people, parents/carers, and important adults in their lives, such as teachers and mental health professionals.
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Personality Function, Dysfunction, and the Social Domains Organisation of Mentalizing Processes
In this three-part Papers Podcast, Professor Jonathan Hill discusses his JCPP paper ‘The social domains organization of mentalizing processes in adolescents: a contribution to the conceptualization of personality function and dysfunction in young people’.
This three-part podcast explores the controversy surrounding personality function and dysfunction, focuses on mentalizing, the mentalizing processes, and social domains, and provides an overview of the paper, methodology, key findings, and implications for practice.
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Practitioner Review: Effectiveness and mechanisms of change in participatory arts-based programmes for promoting youth mental health and well-being – a systematic review
Open Access JCPP paper – ‘There is good evidence that there are therapeutic processes in PAB programmes. There is a need for more transdisciplinary work to increase understanding of context–mechanism–outcome pathways, including the role played by different art stimuli and practices.’ Emma Williams (pic) et al.
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The relationship between dissociation and panic symptoms in adolescence and the exploration of potential mediators
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘In the present study, we investigated the longitudinal relationship between dissociative experiences and panic, as well as the potential mediating roles of emotion regulation strategies, alexithymia, and cognitive appraisals of dissociation.’ Lottie Shipp (pic) et al.
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Friendships and Mental Health: Insights from the OxWell Student Survey
The ‘Insights from the OxWell Student Survey‘ series is a new mini-in conversation series that will explore the OxWell study and the impact of its findings for parents, teachers, policymakers and mental health professionals.
In this episode, Tanya Manchanda comments on the friendship findings from the OxWell survey, including an insight into the impact of friendships on mental health outcomes and friendship interventions for young people.
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Insights from the OxWell Student Survey
Hosted by Clara Faria, ‘Insights from the OxWell Student Survey’ series is a new mini-in conversation series that will explore the OxWell study and the impact of its findings for parents, teachers, policymakers and mental health professionals.
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Subtyping at-risk adolescents for predicting response toward insomnia prevention program
Open Access JCPP paper – ‘Adolescents at risk for insomnia can be classified into different subgroups according to their psychological profiles, which were associated with differential responses to the insomnia prevention program.’ Si-Jing Chen et al.
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Research Review: Child emotion regulation mediates the association between family factors and internalizing symptoms in children and adolescents – a meta-analysis
Open Access JCPP paper – ‘Various family factors impact children’s emotion regulation development, and in turn, contribute to the risk of internalizing symptoms in young people.’ Sylvia Chu Lin (pic) et al.
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Editorial: Short interventions and self-help interventions in child and adolescent mental health
Free Access paper from the CAMH journal – ‘In this issue, several pieces highlight the importance of researching, and in some cases, implementing short interventions and self-help interventions for children and adolescents with mental health concerns while highlighting the importance of finding ways to engage children and young people.’ Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo (pic)
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Concurrent and prospective associations between family socioeconomic status, social support and salivary diurnal and hair cortisol in adolescence
Paper from the JCPP – ‘This study examined the role of stability and changes in family socioeconomic status (SES) in the prediction of multiple cortisol indicators and tested whether social support moderated these associations.’ Christina Y. Cantave (pic) et al.
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