Bridging the Child Mental Health Care Gap in LMICs: RESEED and Task-shifted, Teacher-led Care
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Christina Cruz (pic), Dr. Michael Matergia, and Priscilla Giri discuss their co-authored CAMH journal Short Research Article ‘RESEED – the perceived impact of an enhanced usual care model of a novel, teacher-led, task-shifting initiative for child mental health’.
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Stress and mental health presentations in secondary school-aged young people – recording
This was organised by ACAMH’s Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Special Interest Group, and was led by Dr. Ruth Blackburn and Sorcha Ní Chobhthaigh from UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health present research on mental health in secondary school-aged young people.
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“I’m not going and you can’t make me!” – how to support children and young people with emotionally based school avoidance (recording)
Delegates only. Over the last few years, there has been an increase in referrals to CAMHS for young people struggling to attend school. Young people can present with significant distress and family relationships may become strained. It can be challenging for CAMHS professionals to know how to support young people and their families. This half-day session provided a useful overview of current research and practical tips for clinicians.
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Friendships and Mental Health: Insights from the OxWell Student Survey
The ‘Insights from the OxWell Student Survey‘ series is a new mini-in conversation series that will explore the OxWell study and the impact of its findings for parents, teachers, policymakers and mental health professionals.
In this episode, Tanya Manchanda comments on the friendship findings from the OxWell survey, including an insight into the impact of friendships on mental health outcomes and friendship interventions for young people.
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Insights from the OxWell Student Survey
Hosted by Clara Faria, ‘Insights from the OxWell Student Survey’ series is a new mini-in conversation series that will explore the OxWell study and the impact of its findings for parents, teachers, policymakers and mental health professionals.
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Academic Motivation in Youth With and Without ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Zoe Smith discusses her JCPP paper ‘Academic motivation decreases across adolescence for youth with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Effects of motivation on academic success’. Zoe is the first author of the paper.
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Redistributing power in schools and how this can impact young people’s agency and identity
Recent Guardian articles have been reporting how this year’s GCSE exam results have been impacted by the crisis in young people’s mental health. There is increasing concern among school leaders about school absence and abnormal levels of anxiety. As I embark on the third blog related to my research, I explore how the research processes I developed, positively impacted the young people involved and acts as a counter to much of what young people see as being wrong with schools.
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Short Research Article: RESEED – the perceived impact of an enhanced usual care model of a novel, teacher-led, task-shifting initiative for child mental health
Paper from the CAMH journal – ‘We explore the perceived impact of RESEED (Responding to Students’ Emotions through Education), an abbreviated version of Tealeaf (Teachers Leading the Frontlines). After classroom implementation of tools from a 3-day training on child mental health and cognitive behavioral techniques in Darjeeling, India, 29 teachers participated in focus group discussions (FGDs).’ Setareh Ekhteraei (pic) et al.
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Academic motivation decreases across adolescence for youth with and without ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder): Effects of motivation on academic success
Video abstract from Dr. Zoe Smith on her JCPP paper ‘Academic motivation decreases across adolescence for youth with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Effects of motivation on academic success’.
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Mind the Missing NSE Gap: The Influence of Non-shared Environment on Symptoms of Behaviour Problems
In this Papers Podcast, Aga Gidziela discusses her JCPP paper ‘Explaining the influence of non-shared environment (NSE) on symptoms of behaviour problems from preschool to adulthood: mind the missing NSE gap’.
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