Self-harm is an increasingly recognised phenomenon and one of the strongest predictors of suicide, which continues to be one of the leading causes of death in young people world-wide. Self-harm can take many forms and may present with or without suicidal intent and both in the context of mental disorder, and without.
Self-harm & Suicide
Help for teachers handling of disclosures of abuse and trauma
In this five minute film David Trickey, consultant clinical psychologist at the Anna Freud Centre, offers techniques and advice for teachers who find themselves faced with a child disclosing experiences of a traumatic nature.
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Interventions for reducing loneliness seem effective in young people
Meta-analyses of interventions aimed at reducing loneliness among young people are distinctly lacking in the field. Now, Alice Eccles and Pamela Qualter have addressed this gap by compiling a review for Child and Adolescent Mental Health on interventions to reduce loneliness in young people.
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Young people’s ‘neural fingerprints’ might permit a precision-medicine approach to depression
Precision medicine has been discussed in medical research since the late 1990’s. Only recently, however, has this concept aroused interest and inspired relevant research in psychiatry, particularly in adolescents.
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Online self-harm content might provide peer support to young people
Youth today find themselves living in an era of social media, with easy access to a wide range of social networking sites. Unfortunately, emerging evidence suggests that some social technologies might cause more harm than good to some young people’s mental health.1,2
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Self-harm in a time of isolation: What is the evidence to support mobile and internet-based psychological interventions for self-harm?
In this blog we summarise the findings and implications of a recent systematic review of studies evaluating the effectiveness and acceptability of mobile- and internet-based psychological interventions for self-harm in adolescents and adults.
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Do cybervictimization and face-to-face victimization affect suicide ideation risk in the same way?
Data from a new study published in the JCPP suggests that cybervictimization is an important risk factor for concurrent, serious suicidal ideation/attempt throughout adolescence.
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A history of abuse increases the risk of suicide attempts in youth
Researchers in Belgium and the USA have conducted one of the first investigations into whether a history of various forms of abuse and the presence of mood disorders and psychotic symptoms can predict suicide attempts in psychiatrically hospitalized children.
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Is neurocognitive functioning linked to a family history of a suicide attempt?
Jones et al. matched 501 participants (aged 8-21 years) who had a family history of a suicide attempt with ~3,000 participants with no such family history.
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Who can best support young people who self-harm?
A new study published in Child and Adolescent Mental Health has investigated what forms of support young people who self-harm find helpful.
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DBT-A can enhance emotion regulation in ethnic minority youth
Ethnic minority youth often experience environmental and culturally relevant stressors, putting them at risk of developing self-regulation difficulties and engaging in self-harm.
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