Mental health
ACEs – Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are defined as situations that lead to an elevated risk of children and young people experiencing damaging impacts on their health and other social outcomes across the life course.
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How common and costly is persistent health anxiety in young people?
Health anxiety – characterized by excessive and impairing worry about health issues1 – has been minimally described in childhood and adolescence, and longitudinal studies are lacking.
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How accurate are teachers’ assessments of children’s mental health?
Frances Mathews, Tamsin Ford and colleagues have performed a secondary analysis of the 2004 British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Survey, to understand how accurately teacher concern predicts the presence of a mental disorder in school children.
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Is race linked to the structure of psychopathology in young people?
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have found no significant difference in the hierarchical structure of psychopathology between African American and European American youths.
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Mental disorders are under researched yet prevalent in children under 7 years
Mira Vasileva and colleagues in Germany and Australia recently compiled a Research Review for the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry on the prevalence of mental disorders in children <7 years old.
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JCPP Editorial: Volume 60, Issue 08, August 2019
“Improving children’s mental health. What does that mean, actually?” by Albertine J. Oldehinkel
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CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) is a broad term for all services that work with children and young people who have difficulties with their emotional or behavioural wellbeing. As well as NHS CAMHS, local areas will have a range of other services available, based on local need and commissioning arrangements. These include services from local authorities, schools, charities, the private sector and community paediatrics.
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Not long ago, bullying was viewed as a normal part of childhood’s formative experiences. Over the past 50 years, since the pioneering work of Dan Olweus (1970), bullying started to be recognized as a complex public health matter and a social problem. Solid evidence has accumulated about the impact of bullying victimization on children’s and adolescents’ (hereby youth) mental health and well-being.
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Digital Interventions
Many digital technologies are designed to be used in adjunct to established mental health treatments, not to replace them. Learn more with this Topic Guide.
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