Can literacy interventions benefit mental health in children with permanent hearing loss?
Children with permanent childhood hearing loss (PCHL) seem to be at risk of developing emotional and behaviour difficulties, how can literacy interventions help?
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Most cited CAMH paper #10 of 25: Implementation quality of whole‐school mental health promotion and students’ academic performance
Katherine L. Dix, Phillip T. Sle,e Michael J. Lawson, John P. Keeves.
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Key Practitioner Message includes; Given the known relationship between student academic achievement and mental health, many nations are mounting school‐based mental health interventions: however, the quality of program implementation remains a concern. -
Most cited CAMH paper joint #13 of 25: Predictors of Service Use for Mental Health Problems Among British Schoolchildren
Tamsin Ford, Helena Hamilton, Howard Meltzer, Robert Goodman.
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Key Practitioner Message includes; Regional differences in contact with public sector services for mental health services suggest that the organisation of services can influence who is and is not seen -
Most cited CAMH paper #16 of 25: Adolescent school absenteeism: modelling social and individual risk factors
Jo Magne, Ingul Christian A. Klöckner, Wendy K. Silverman, Hans M. Nordahl.
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Key Practitioner Message includes; Externalising problems and family work and health are more important than internalising problems in predicting school absenteeism -
Most cited CAMH paper #17 of 25: Teachers’ Recognition of Children’s Mental Health Problems
Maria E. Loades, Kiki Mastroyannopoulou.
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Key Practitioner Message includes; Teachers were generally good at recognising the existence and severity of symptoms of problems (behavioural or emotional) presented by a child described in a vignette. -
January 2020 issue – The Bridge ADHD edition
Special edition of The Bridge on ADHD, includes guidelines on service transition for young people, substance use, emotional impulsivity, emotion dysregulation, diagnosis and misdiagnosis.
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Mental Health in Schools Editorial
Welcome to “The Bridge”. In this edition we are focussing on young people’s mental health in school settings.
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Age-related immaturity in the classroom can lead to ADHD misdiagnosis
Researchers from Australia, France, the USA and the UK have come together to compile a 2019 Annual Research Review for the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry on the correlation between a late birth-date (relative to the school year) and risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
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Teacher assessments could replace high-stake testing to improve student well-being
Many students experience anxiety and distress during exams, and these emotions can have a negative effect on achievement. Notably, one of the top-reported concerns voiced by children in the UK is the stress and anxiety associated with school work and exam performance.
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Good intentions, good enough?
Daniel Brennan, Assistant Psychologist at Ealing Intensive Therapeutic and Short Break Service (ITSBS) provides a summary of Lenehan, C. and Geraghty, M. (2017) “Good intentions, good enough?: a review of the experiences and outcomes of children and young people with learning disabilities in residential special schools and colleges”,
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