Ted is a Reader, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London. He is developmental psychologist with strong training in longitudinal applications of structural equation modelling. He investigates how stressful environments exacerbate underlying (epig)genetic vulnerabilities to affect children’s development. Ted is particularly interested in the impact of psychopathology in caregivers (and associated risks) on children’s antisocial behaviour, and the relative role of prenatal and postnatal risk exposures.
Ted Barker

Ted is a Reader, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London. He is developmental psychologist with strong training in longitudinal applications of structural equation modelling. He investigates how stressful environments exacerbate underlying (epig)genetic vulnerabilities to affect children’s development. Ted is particularly interested in the impact of psychopathology in caregivers (and associated risks) on children’s antisocial behaviour, and the relative role of prenatal and postnatal risk exposures.
Behind the yellow line
I am interested in exploring novel methods of research dissemination. In my years as a researcher, I have experienced how hard it is to find a way to communicate research results to the wider non-scientific community – the “real” world.
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