Anxiety Disorders are the most common mental health problem across the lifespan. They have a particularly early age of onset – half of all people who experience them at some point in their life will first experience those difficulties by the age of 11 years. Yet we have found that an extremely small proportion of children who experience significant and sustained problems receive any sort of professional support, let alone support that is known to be effective.
ACAMH’s ex Digital Executive, Stacey Kelly-Maher, spoke to Professor Cathy Creswell about some of the barriers to support for children, the Anxiety and Depression in Young people research clinic, and her role as the lead for the Emerging Minds: Action for Child Mental Health research network.
You can listen to this podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes.

Professor of Developmental Clinical Psychology at Oxford University. Cathy’s research mainly focuses on the development, maintenance and treatment of anxiety disorders in children and young people. Her team in The Oxford Psychological Interventions for Children and adolescents (TOPIC) research group apply a broad range of methods (including experimental, longitudinal, clinical trial and qualitative methods and systematic reviews) with children, young people and families in both community and clinical settings, with the ultimate aim of improving access to and outcomes from psychological treatments for these common conditions.
Excellent pod cast thankyou.
I was wondering what research has been done into the impact of parent/carer anxiety in the development and maintanence of child anxiety. And whether the work that is done with parents whether some of this focuses on their anxiety?
Thanks for the positive feedback, it is much appreciated. We have a special issue of The Bridge which centres around Anxiety plus Prof Cathy Cresswell is leading an Anxiety live stream for us at which they’ll be a chance to ask questions online, and of course you can search out journals for information.
My daughter is 8 and has anxiety issues, they were showing from toddler age with potty training but has been triggered recently and is showing through her eating. Is this webinar for trainee counsellors or for parents also? Thank you.
It would be suitable for both, parents would find it useful