In this podcast, Dr. Ramya Mohan discusses CAPE (Creative Arts for Processing Emotion), the interactive and practical method combining neuroscience and the creative arts, as a therapeutic technique which can be employed for improving young people’s mental health. Ramya explores how neuroscience and music may be combined, how the practice can be applied globally, and how it can serve as a positive resource to support children into adulthood and onwards.

A Board-certified Senior Developmental Consultant Psychiatrist, Medical Educator, Music Composer, Singer, Performing Musician, Exhibiting Artist, Author, Invited Speaker and Humanitarian working across Asia and Europe, Ramya is well known for her pioneering work in amalgamating the Creative Arts with Neuroscience for youth and societal development globally. As the creator of CAPE and the Medical & Creative Director/Founder-Head of iMANAS London™ working across Europe and Asia, her original work has pioneered an international movement integrating Music and Creative art with Neuroscience and Medicine to support optimal mental health since 2011. (bio via Dr. Ramya Mohan)