ACAMH Website Content Types
“I’m not going and you can’t make me!” – how to support children and young people with emotionally based school avoidance (recording)
Delegates only. Over the last few years, there has been an increase in referrals to CAMHS for young people struggling to attend school. Young people can present with significant distress and family relationships may become strained. It can be challenging for CAMHS professionals to know how to support young people and their families. This half-day session provided a useful overview of current research and practical tips for clinicians.
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The relationship between dissociation and panic symptoms in adolescence and the exploration of potential mediators
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘In the present study, we investigated the longitudinal relationship between dissociative experiences and panic, as well as the potential mediating roles of emotion regulation strategies, alexithymia, and cognitive appraisals of dissociation.’ Lottie Shipp (pic) et al.
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START NOW: a cognitive behavioral skills training for adolescent girls with conduct or oppositional defiant disorder – a randomized clinical trial
Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘Here, we aimed at confirming the efficacy of START NOW, a cognitive-behavioral, dialectical behavior therapy-oriented skills training program aiming to enhance emotion regulation skills, interpersonal and psychosocial adjustment, adapted for female adolescents with CD or ODD.’ Christina Stadler (pic) et al.
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Subtyping at-risk adolescents for predicting response toward insomnia prevention program
Open Access JCPP paper – ‘Adolescents at risk for insomnia can be classified into different subgroups according to their psychological profiles, which were associated with differential responses to the insomnia prevention program.’ Si-Jing Chen et al.
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Effects of engaging fathers and bundling parenting and nutrition interventions on early child development and maternal and paternal parenting in Mara, Tanzania: a factorial cluster-randomized controlled trial
Paper from the JCPP – ‘We compared the independent and combined effects of engaging fathers and bundling parenting components into a nutrition intervention on early child development (ECD) and parenting outcomes.’ Joshua Jeong (pic) et al.
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Research Review: Child emotion regulation mediates the association between family factors and internalizing symptoms in children and adolescents – a meta-analysis
Open Access JCPP paper – ‘Various family factors impact children’s emotion regulation development, and in turn, contribute to the risk of internalizing symptoms in young people.’ Sylvia Chu Lin (pic) et al.
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Editorial: Short interventions and self-help interventions in child and adolescent mental health
Free Access paper from the CAMH journal – ‘In this issue, several pieces highlight the importance of researching, and in some cases, implementing short interventions and self-help interventions for children and adolescents with mental health concerns while highlighting the importance of finding ways to engage children and young people.’ Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo (pic)
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Concurrent and prospective associations between family socioeconomic status, social support and salivary diurnal and hair cortisol in adolescence
Paper from the JCPP – ‘This study examined the role of stability and changes in family socioeconomic status (SES) in the prediction of multiple cortisol indicators and tested whether social support moderated these associations.’ Christina Y. Cantave (pic) et al.
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CAMH Editorial: Volume 28, Issue 4, November 2023
Editorial: Short interventions and self-help interventions in child and adolescent mental health Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo “Welcome to the November issue of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH). In this issue, several pieces highlight the importance of researching, and in some cases, implementing short interventions and self-help interventions for children and adolescents with mental health concerns while […]
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The interaction between polygenic risk and environmental influences: A direct test of the 3P model of insomnia in adolescents
Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘This work sheds light on the complex relationship between genetic and environmental factors implicated for insomnia.’ Juan J. Madrid-Valero (pic) et al.
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