ACAMH Website Content Types
Effectiveness of Nurse-home Visiting in Improving Child and Maternal Outcomes Prenatally
In this Papers Podcast, Assistant Professor Nicole Catherine discusses her JCPP paper ‘Effectiveness of nurse-home visiting in improving child and maternal outcomes prenatally to age two years: a randomised controlled trial (British Columbia Healthy Connections Project)’.
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Adverse Event Monitoring and Reporting in Studies of Pediatric Psychosocial Interventions
In this Papers Podcast, Kalee Lodewyk discusses her CAMH journal paper ‘Adverse event monitoring and reporting in studies of pediatric psychosocial interventions: a systematic review’. Kalee is the lead author of the paper.
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Mental Health of Children and Young People – recording
Delegates only. Dr. Meinou Simmons clinical knowledge is backed up by recent research evidence, with practical tips and advice for parents, teachers, and caregivers. The session will give supportive adults confidence in understanding the basics of children and young people’s mental health, including important factors which influence it, as well as giving an overview of common mental health difficulties and disorders with several case examples.
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Adolescent psychotic experiences before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study
Paper from the JCPP – ‘The Tokyo Teen Cohort (TTC) is a prospective cohort study of adolescents in the general population of the Tokyo metropolitan area, followed from age 10 to 16 years. We used multi-level linear regression models to test the associations between the phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and self-reported PEs.’ Jordan DeVylder et al.
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Antipsychotic prescribing patterns in children and adolescents attending Australian general practice in 2011 and 2017
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘We aimed to examine patterns of paediatric antipsychotic prescribing in Australian primary care services in 2011 and 2017, including diagnoses, sociodemographic characteristics, off-label prescribing, and psychotropic co-prescribing.’ Julie Klau (pic) et al.
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The Role of Early Childhood Education in Supporting the Mental Health of Children
Professor Kathy Sylva OBE delivered this Keynote lecture ‘The Role of Early Childhood Education in Supporting the Mental Health of Children’ on Thursday 9 November at the ACAMH Awards. Professor Sylva was the recipient of ACAMH’s Michael Rutter Medal for Lifetime Contribution to Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
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ACAMH Awards 2023 Results
Congratulations to all winners and nominees of the ACAMH Awards 2023.
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Longitudinal association of conduct and emotional problems with school exclusion and truancy: A fixed effect analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study
Open Access paper from the CAMH journal – ‘This study examines school exclusion and truancy in relation to both conduct and emotional problems and considers these problems both as predictors and as outcomes of school exclusion and truancy.’ Aase Villadsen (pic) et al.
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Are some children genetically predisposed to poor sleep? A polygenic risk study in the general population
Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘Children who are genetically predisposed to insomnia have more insomnia-like sleep problems, whereas those who are genetically predisposed to longer sleep have longer sleep duration, but are also more awake during the night in adolescence.’ Desana Kocevska (pic) et al.
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Identifying characteristics of adolescents with persistent loneliness during COVID-19: A multi-country eight-wave longitudinal study
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘Using the widespread social restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, which precipitated loneliness in many, we aimed to examine adolescents’ loneliness profiles across time and the demographic predictors (age, sex, and country) of more severe trajectories.’ Laura Riddleston (pic) et al.
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