ACAMH podcasts

In Conversation… Philosophy of Mind
André Tomlin, The Mental Elf, interviews the Project PERFECT team at the University of Birmingham to find out how unusual beliefs offer philosophers of mind the opportunity to challenge mental health stigma.
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In Conversation… Developmental Language Disorder
Professor Courtenay Norbury defines Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), expands on its impact and discusses how and when to identify it.
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In Conversation… Anxiety
We spoke to Professor Cathy Creswell about some of the barriers to support for children with anxiety, the Anxiety and Depression in Young people research clinic, and her role as the lead for the Emerging Minds: Action for Child Mental Health research network.
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In Conversation… Self-Harm
A specialist in self-harm and suicide, Dr Dennis Ougrin emphasises the importance of early intervention and prevention, as well as the potential of Therapeutic Assesssment, a novel model of assessment for young people with self-harm ahead of his upcoming Self Harm Masterclass.
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Is childhood maltreatment a risk factor for increased symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders?
Professor Helen Minnis and Lisa Dinkler discuss their paper “Maltreatment-associated neurodevelopmental disorders: a co-twin control analysis” published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
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In Conversation… Our Time
At the recent Parental Mental Illness Masterclass led by charity Our Time, ACAMH CEO, Martin Pratt, caught up with the speakers, Dr Alan Cooklin, Jess Streeting and Kirsty Taha-Wraith, to discuss the impact of parental mental health and what Our Time’s interventions mean for young people.
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In Conversation… How using personalised goals in therapy will change your life
Dr Duncan Law discusses the importance of everyday participation and improving the therapeutic alliance by collaboratively creating goals ahead of his talk at the Inaugural Judy Dunn National Conference on Making Child and Family Therapies More Effective.
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In Conversation… Reducing mental health problems in schools
Dr Sophie Browning is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist working on whole school approaches to mental health. In this podcast with psychology journalist Jo Carlowe, she discusses an innovative cognitive behavioural therapy approach for reducing anxiety and mental health problems in schools. You can listen to this podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes.
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In Conversation… Harmful Sexual Behaviour
What might predispose a young person to harming sexually? What are the warning signs? And what does it mean to go beyond criminal justice to a public health approach?
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In Conversation… Parental Mental Illness
In this podcast, Dr Alan Cooklin and Jessica Streeting discuss the impact of parental mental illness, how family psychiatry has developed, how everyone has a key role to play, and the power of explanation and understanding as a protective intervention.
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