Our Special Interest Group on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) launches with a FREE online panel discussion, and audience Q & A, discussing and identifying the key priorities for future research on ACEs. You do not have to be a member of our ACEs SIG to attend.
Dr. Arnon Bentovim will also introduce ACAMH’s newest Special Interest Group on ACEs, highlighting the free resources on offer, and how you can get more involved.
About the session
This panel discussion will discuss the priorities for future research on ACEs, from a range of non-academic perspectives. The panel will include a service user, policy maker, and representatives from the NPSCC and Early Intervention Foundation. The speakers will discuss two main questions:
- What are the priority areas for research on ACEs?
- What do you hope we will know in 10 years’ time about ACEs that we don’t know now?
Following presentations from the speakers, there will be an audience Q&A session. By sharing views from non-academics on what research is needed into ACEs and their implications, the panel discussion hopes to inform future research studies and grant proposals. Please note that this is not an event for providing education about adverse childhood experiences, but rather sharing views for future investigation. The panel discussion is organised by Dr. Jessie Baldwin and Dr. Rebecca Lacey, a post-doctoral fellow and lecturer at UCL.
Prices and booking
Sign up to this free event at this link or on the Book Now button at the top of the screen and complete the form that follows. You’ll then receive an email confirmation and a link to the webinar, plus we’ll send you a calendar reminder nearer the time. ACAMH Members attending will be eligible for an electronic CPD certificate. Non-members can opt to receive an electronic CPD certificate for just £5, simply select this option at point of booking.
Delegates may also be interested in our upcoming sessions on Childhood Adversity: Recovery, Resilience and Prevention Seminars
Who should attend
This session will be relevant for a wide audience of academic, and non-academic, stakeholders interested in ACEs. Researchers will be interested to find out what non-academics working on ACEs believe to be future research priorities. We also expect that non-academics working with children exposed to ACEs (e.g., clinicians, teachers, social workers, charity workers) and policy makers will be interested to hear what others think are future research priorities and contribute to the Q&A discussion.
Key takeaways
- Understanding of some of the limitations and gaps of ACEs research to date
- Where priorities for future ACEs research lie, from a range of non-academic perspectives
About the speakers and organisers

Megan Briggs is a survivor or child sexual exploitation. She now works supporting and advocating for victims of crime. In addition to being part of other projects, she is working as an expert by experience. This includes being part of a research project by Shelter as a lived experience researcher looking at the barriers to support for women and non binary homeless people in Sheffield.

Susan Cooke is the Head of Research and Evidence at the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), a charity working across the four nations of the UK to prevent child abuse, to stop it when it happens, and to mitigate its impact on children. A social researcher by background, Susan has worked in research and evaluation roles within the international development (BBC Media Action, CDAC) and children’s and humanitarian charity sectors (Barnardo’s, British Red Cross), with a focus on research for development of services and policy/advocacy. Research interests include children and families within the criminal justice and immigration systems, children who have experienced trafficking and exploitation, children in care, and rights-based approaches to services for children.

Gill Wylie, Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience Unit, for the Scottish Government, is an experienced public servant who is passionate about making a difference for the people of Scotland and especially for those who are experiencing social and economic inequalities.
Expertise in stakeholder engagement, relationship building and collaborative, cross policy working, along with a burning interest in doing things differently. Most recently, I applied these transferable skills to help establish a new, healthcare education business in Toronto, and to provide independent, consultancy and coaching support for my own clients.
Dr. Kirsten Asmussen
Kirsten, Head of What Works Child Development, Early Intervention Foundation, is a developmental psychologist with expertise in the parent/child relationship and author of the Evidence-Based Parenting Practitioner’s Handbook (Routledge, 2011). Kirsten previously worked at the National Academy for Parenting Research at King’s College London, where she managed the Commissioning Toolkit – a DfE funded project that assessed the quality of parenting interventions against standards of evidence and best practice.
Kirsten’s research experience also includes the evaluation of the NAPP training offer, the 2011 NSPCC study of abuse and neglect, the On Track initiative and the local evaluation of Sure Start Children’s Centres in north-east London. (bio and image via www.eif.org.uk)
Dr. Arnon Bentovim is a Child and Family Psychiatrist, and Director of Child and Family Training. He trained as a Psychoanalyst and Family Therapist and worked at the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and the Tavistock Clinic. He is a Visiting Professor at the Royal Holloway University of London. At Great Ormond Street he shared responsibility for Child Protection at the Hospital and helped to initiate a number of services including the first Sexual Abuse Assessment and Treatment Service in the UK, and a Child Care Consultation Service. Research on Family Assessment formed the basis of the tools commissioned by the Department of Health to support the Assessment Framework. Child and Family Training was established to provide training and further developments.

Dr. Jessie R Baldwin is a Sir Henry Wellcome post-doctoral fellow at University College London and visiting researcher at the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London. Her research focuses on understanding the relationships between childhood trauma and health.

Dr. Rebecca Lacey is a Senior Research Fellow in life course social epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London. Her research interests lie in the long-term health effects of early life adversities and effects of social relationships on health using longitudinal population datasets.