
  • Dr. Lucy Livingston

    Depression in Autism and ADHD: What do we know?

    In this ‘In Conversation’ podcast, Dr. Lucy Livingston provides insight into the comorbidity of Depression in Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Autism.

    Lucy will be presenting a talk on the same topic, entitled ‘Depression in Autism and ADHD: What do We Know?’, at the JCPP Advances 2023 Lecture series ‘What the research tells us; Anxiety, Neurodiversity, Suicide, and Genetics’ on 11 May 2023.

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  • Depressed mood, inattention and worry might influence the risk for other symptoms in youth

    Youth psychopathology has traditionally been conceptualized and measured at the level of disorders, which are highly heterogeneous and comorbid. However, there is growing evidence that focusing on the causes of individual symptoms might be useful.

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