Marie is a Registered general and mental health nurse with nearly 20 years experience in a variety of fields with the last 10 being in CAMHs and more specifically Eating Disorders. This is an area Marie is very passionate about and due to present in March at the Best Practice conference. Marie has worked globally within Australia and in different areas of the UK. Marie is also a Bedfordshire University clinical fellow and likes to use a variety of resources and acquired training to help young people recover.
Marie Young

Marie is a Registered general and mental health nurse with nearly 20 years experience in a variety of fields with the last 10 being in CAMHs and more specifically Eating Disorders. This is an area Marie is very passionate about and due to present in March at the Best Practice conference. Marie has worked globally within Australia and in different areas of the UK. Marie is also a Bedfordshire University clinical fellow and likes to use a variety of resources and acquired training to help young people recover.
Eating Disorders and CAMHS – Real Life Insights
Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, are not straight forward; to celebrate eating disorder awareness week, we spoke to Marie Young (pic), a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Eating Disorders Specialist Nurse, and Bea Fenske, an Eating Disorders Nurse, from Community Eating Disorders Service (CEDS) Bedfordshire and Luton CAMHS, to give us an overview of what it is like to work in a Community Eating Disorders Service.
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