Early Career Branch

Portrait of a smiling young woman wearing glasses working on a laptop while sitting at a table in a modern office

Welcome to the ACAMH Early Career Branch.

An early career branch is crucial as it provides young professionals with foundational skills, networking opportunities, and industry insights. It helps them establish a clear career path, fostering growth and development. Access to mentors and peers encourages continuous learning and innovation. Early exposure to real-world challenges enhances problem-solving abilities and adaptability. Additionally, being part of an early career branch boosts confidence, motivation, and professional identity. It also bridges the gap between academic knowledge and practical application, ensuring a smoother transition into the workforce. Ultimately, it lays the groundwork for long-term success and fulfillment in one’s chosen field.

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  • Use respectful and appropriate language at all times
  • You must respect copyright laws and the privacy of group members
  • Please stay on-topic; start a new thread if you want to take a discussion in a new direction
  • Any content which does not abide by these rules may be removed without warning.



  • Meet the branch
    Clara Faria

    Dr. Clara Faria

    Clara is from Brazil and is a junior doctor and aspiring child and adolescent psychiatrist. She currently serves as a Young Person Ambassador for ACAMH and is interested in eating disorders and in the epidemiology of mental health disorders in young people. Clara is a MPhil candidate in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge.

    Marc Ferger

    Dr. Marc Ferger

    Marc is from Germany and is research fellow at the Group of Biological Child and Adolescent Psychiatry led by Prof. Dr. Julian Koenig at the University Hospital of Cologne. His broad research interests include the investigation of neuroendocrine systems and their impact on trauma-related disorders, especially non-suicidal self-injurious behavior, in children and adolescents. He is passionate about drug discovery and clinical trials since there is a high unmet medical need for the treatment of children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders.

    Dr. Luis Farhat

    Dr. Luis Farhat

    Luis C. Farhat from Brazil is a final year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine FMUSP, University of São Paulo. He has a strong interest in epidemiology, evidence-based mental health and precision psychiatry. His research efforts are focused on obsessive-compulsive disorder and related disorders, e.g. trichotillomania, and neurodevelopmental disorders, e.g. autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, across the lifespan.

    Gloria Cheung

    Dr. Gloria Cheung

    Gloria is a Specialised Foundation Doctor and aims to pursue a career of academic child psychiatry. She is currently leading a qualitative research project on sexting and mental health in young women as part of her SFP project. She is also the junior clinical advisor of Student Psychiatry Audit and Research Collaborative (SPARC). Gloria developed her interest in academia during medical school and intercalated in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience MSc at the University of York. Her research experiences have contributed to her appointment as Psych Star by RCPsych and nomination for the ACAMH Undergraduate Clinical Trainee of the Year.

    Malaika Okundi

    Malaika Okundi

    Malaika is a Research Assistant working on the Landscaping International Longitudinal Datasets (LILD) project, the Exploring the Transmission of experiences of Racism, Anxiety, DEpression in families (TRADE) project and the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures. Malaika joined the Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) Centre as a research assistant in 2022 after completing a Bachelor of Science in Global Health and Social Medicine – Neuroscience at King’s College London.

    Elena Triantafillopoulou

    Elena Triantafillopoulou

    Elena has been working on the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures and the Landscaping International Longitudinal Datasets project. Her role also involves working as the project manager of Findable, Accessible and Reusable curated mental health data for DATAMIND, the Health Data Research Hub for Mental Health. Elena holds a dual BSc in Biology and Psychology and a certificate in Public and Professional Writing from the University of Central Florida, after which she completed the MSc in Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology at King’s College London.

    Tanatswa Chikaura

    Tanatswa Chikaura

    Tanatswa Amanda Chikaura is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge. Her research interests are centered on Autism and Mental Health. Prior to beginning her PhD, Tanatswa completed an MPhil in Basic and Translational Neuroscience from the University of Cambridge and a BSc Honours in Psychology from the University of Zimbabwe. In addition to her academic pursuits, Tanatswa is the Founder and Director of Ndinewe Foundation, a mental health organization in Zimbabwe. Her work in mental health has been recognized through the Diana Award, which is given to young people for their social action or humanitarian efforts. The award is in memory of Princess Diana and is administered by the charity of the same name. Tanatswa has worked with local and international organizations that focus on youth empowerment, young people's mental health, and research, providing comprehensive advocacy and research to ensure mental health is given priority.

    Pauline Thibaut

    Pauline Thibaut

    Pauline studied BSc in Biomedical Sciences - Neuroscience at King’s College London. Throughout the BSc, she worked as a Research Assistant in Global Mental Health at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience, developing, testing, and implementing depression interventions in low- and middle- income countries. Pauline then completed a MSc in Psychological Research at the University of Oxford, researching how antidepressants impact affective learning under distinct environmental conditions. Pauline is passionate about developmental psychology and data-driven methodologies for research, as well as making data more discoverable from low- and middle- income countries.

    Eliza Hamdorf

    Eliza Hamdorf

    Eliza joined the Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry Centre at King’s College London in early 2024 as a Research Assistant on the Landscaping International Longitudinal Datasets project. The project aims to identify and review longitudinal datasets worldwide and bring attention to areas that could be enriched. Eliza obtained a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at Deakin University, Melbourne, during which she completed a thesis focusing on the impacts of childhood trauma on mental health. Eliza has also contributed to research at Deakin exploring the effects of screen time on the psychosocial development of young children, as well as on the mental health of Australian Defence Force personnel and veterans.

    Hannah Lewis

    Hannah Lewis

    Hannah is currently studying a BSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Loughborough University. In the 2023/24 academic year, she has been working at King's College London for her placement year. Her main roles have focused on developing and maintaining the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures, as well as working with Lived Experience Experts to help improve the accessibility of the content. She is interested in how mental health conditions develop throughout early life, and is excited to explore this further throughout her career after completing her undergraduate degree in the 24/25 academic year.

    Maria Jose Rodriguez Pinzon

    Maria Jose Rodriguez Pinzon

    Maria Jose is currently studying Psychology with a Placement undergraduate degree at Cardiff University. During her placement year, she joined the PALM team at the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychology Centre at King’s College London, and worked on the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures and the Landscaping International Longitudinal Datasets project.

  • We want you

    We are looking for new people to join our committee. We are friendly and committed group so do please get in touch. For more information email

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  • Loneliness and Early Career Researchers: An Evidence-Based Perspective


    Loneliness is a significant and often overlooked issue among early career researchers (ECRs). Loneliness is defined as a subjective feeling of distress, resulting from perceptions of unfulfilling or inadequate social connection (Matthews et al., 2016). This phenomenon can have profound implications for both personal well-being and professional development. Recent studies have highlighted the prevalence of loneliness among academics, particularly those in the early stages of their careers (Moran et al., 2020)(Ellard et al., 2022), suggesting that this issue warrants serious attention from both research and policy perspectives.

    Wellcome Trust’s report on researchers’ experiences of research culture

    The Wellcome Trust (2020) published a report in 2020 on researchers’ experiences of research culture (Moran et al., 2020). The authors conducted a literature review, followed by in-depth qualitative interviews with researchers from the United Kingdom (UK), workshops in England and Scotland, and a quantitative survey that was open worldwide of over 4,000 researchers in various stages of their careers. The report identified that ECRs often experience high levels of isolation and loneliness, which can be exacerbated by the competitive and solitary nature of academic work. For example, many early-career researchers found that they often had to prioritise their research over personal relationships, which may require leaving behind their friends or their partner. This impact on personal relationships was found to lead to social isolation and loneliness, which was most significantly felt by ECRs. “I have felt the most isolated I ever have in my life in this PhD”, confessed an anonymous interviewee.


    “The report identified that ECRs often experience high levels of isolation and loneliness, which can be exacerbated by the competitive and solitary nature of academic work.”

    Furthermore, the Wellcome study found that isolation and loneliness manifested in various ways and shifted according to the researcher’s situation. The nature of work is often structured for individual task completion, which may be more compatible with certain personality types than others. In addition, heightened competitive research environments can prevent camaraderie and reduce the sense of community in the workplace. Finally, the study highlighted that there is often a lack of agency and support for addressing issues when problems arise or where psychological well-being is concerned. This seemed particularly apparent in doctoral students, where working independently with long working hours and being unable to raise concerns with supervisors or peers lead to feelings of isolation during their PhD. To support this, the online survey revealed that 70% of junior researchers believed a research career was lonely and isolating.

    These findings are supported by a study by Janta et al., (2014), where the authors investigated loneliness and social isolation in doctoral students around the world. The researchers analysed an online forum, which aimed to support previous, current, and prospective postgraduate students to exchange ideas online. Specifically, Janta et al., (2014) analysed approximately 35 threads across 122 pages that mentioned loneliness. Findings revealed that loneliness was a part of many doctoral students’ experiences. For example, one participant, a doctoral student, wrote: “I am 100% alone day and night, all the time. I am alone in my office all day.” Overall, whilst some students expressed contentment with their progression, their lack of social connection and belonging to a social group resulted in loneliness and even depression.

    Strengths and Limitations of the Research

    The studies mentioned above provide a robust foundation for understanding the prevalence and impact of loneliness among ECRs. Their strengths lie in large sample sizes and the comprehensive nature of the studies, which encompass a wide range of academic disciplines and geographic regions. This broad scope ensures that the findings are widely applicable and relevant to various contexts within child and adolescent mental health.

    However, there are limitations to consider. The reliance on self-reported data can introduce bias, as individuals may underreport or overreport their feelings of loneliness due to social desirability or stigma associated with mental health issues. Additionally, cross-sectional designs limit the ability to infer causality; longitudinal studies would be more effective in understanding the temporal relationship between academic pressures and loneliness.

    Commentary on the Evidence

    The evidence suggests that loneliness among ECRs is a pressing issue that requires targeted interventions. In practice, institutions could implement structured mentorship programs and peer support groups to foster a sense of community and belonging. Some universities have begun to implement such groups where students have been trained to address mental health and well-being issues amongst their students. For example, King’s College London in the UK launched their student-led “Campus Conversations” support group, which offers free weekly in-person activities, one-to-one conversations, well-being resources, and student skills workshops.

    Furthermore, policy changes should focus on reducing the pressure and competition inherent in academic environments, promoting collaborative rather than competitive research cultures. Such policies have begun to be implemented. For example, as of January 2024, there are 11 research culture initiatives in the UK focused on ensuring a supportive, healthy, and inclusive research environment for researchers (Powell et al., 2024). Initiatives such as these are the first step to building a more positive research culture and could be implemented further across the globe with a focus on early-career researchers.

    Future research could explore the long-term effects of loneliness on career trajectories and mental health outcomes among ECRs. Longitudinal studies could provide deeper insights into how loneliness evolves over time and identify critical periods where interventions may be most effective.


    “In practice, institutions could implement structured mentorship programs and peer support groups to foster a sense of community and belonging.”

    A Personal Perspective

    As a research assistant in developmental psychology, I have observed firsthand the isolating effects of academic research. The solitary nature of data analysis and the pressure to publish can lead to feelings of disconnection from peers and mentors. Establishing regular check-ins with supervisors and participating in departmental social events have been crucial in mitigating these feelings. In my role, I have also seen how supportive networks can enhance productivity and well-being. Collaborative projects and informal peer discussions have not only improved my research skills but also provided a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.


    In conclusion, addressing loneliness among ECRs is essential for fostering a healthy, productive academic environment. By leveraging evidence-based interventions and fostering a culture of support and collaboration, we can enhance the well-being and career satisfaction of ECRs.

    NB this blog has been peer-reviewed


    • Ellard, O.B., Dennison, C. and Tuomainen, H. (2022) ‘Review: Interventions addressing loneliness amongst university students: A systematic review’, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 28(4), pp. 512–523. doi:10.1111/camh.12614.
    • Janta, H., Lugosi, P. and Brown, L. (2014) ‘Coping with loneliness: A netnographic study of doctoral students’, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 38(4), pp. 553–571. doi:10.1080/0309877x.2012.726972.
    • Matthews, T. et al. (2016) ‘Social isolation, loneliness and depression in young adulthood: A behavioural genetic analysis’, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 51(3), pp. 339–348. doi:10.1007/s00127-016-1178-7.
    • Moran, H. et al. (2020) ‘Understanding research culture: What researchers think about the culture they work in’, Wellcome Open Research, 5, p. 201. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15832.1.
    • Powell, J. et al. (2024) ‘Research Culture Initiatives in the UK’, UK Research & Innovation [Preprint]. https://www.ukri.org/publications/research-initiatives-in-the-uk-report/.