
  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Reducing mental health problems in schools

    Dr Sophie Browning is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist working on whole school approaches to mental health. In this podcast with psychology journalist Jo Carlowe, she discusses an innovative cognitive behavioural therapy approach for reducing anxiety and mental health problems in schools. You can listen to this podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Harmful Sexual Behaviour

    What might predispose a young person to harming sexually? What are the warning signs? And what does it mean to go beyond criminal justice to a public health approach?

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  • Gordon Harold

    Eight new Mental Health Networks announced by UK Research and Innovation

    We’re delighted to be a partner in one of the eight new Mental Health Networks announced by UK Research and Innovation today – The Nurture Network: Promoting Young People’s Mental Health in a Digital World, will be led by our Treasurer and Board Member, Professor Gordon Harold, University of Sussex.

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  • Back to school

    “The government has recognised the need for greater focus on child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing, although is yet to provide adequate funding to match its rhetoric or a clear strategy for what in-school intervention would look like. Whilst early preventative programmes can be really useful for young people, I can’t help but think that the newly proposed in-school mental health initiatives might to some extent be treating problems created by the education culture that has been set up.”

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  • How can we identify and treat Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a mental health condition where a person worries about perceived flaws in their appearance — flaws that are unnoticeable to others, or else appear incredibly slight. It affects people of any age but is most prevalent in teenagers and young adults, and although common, it frequently goes unrecognised or misdiagnosed.

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  • Welcome to Dr Dennis Ougrin

    Our new Editor in Chief of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal.

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  • Dramatherapy: History, Applications and Outcome Measures

    Dramatherapist, Kairo Maynard, on the development of dramatherapy and how it can be used to help support young people.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Parental Mental Illness

    In this podcast, Dr Alan Cooklin and Jessica Streeting discuss the impact of parental mental illness, how family psychiatry has developed, how everyone has a key role to play, and the power of explanation and understanding as a protective intervention.

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  • Does mental health awareness do more harm than good? A response from Prof Tamsin Ford to The Spectator

    The Spectator recently published an article on mental health awareness. Professor Tamsin Ford responds, “The dismissive tone of the article is unfortunate and undermines the important point that the author could have made, which is that policy should be evidence-based and evaluated for unexpected consequences.”

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  • Catherine Frogley

    Developmental Trauma: How useful is this framework?

    Dr Catherine Frogley reflects on the use of the developmental trauma framework from her perspective as a Clinical Psychologist working in a Post-Adoption Support Service.

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