“What young people think matters; a qualitative approach to the study of protective factors for mental well-being”
This blog shares findings from a new study comprising of two parts. Part one outlines a typology of profiles of adolescent reported protective factors in relation to mental well-being and the risk of mental disorder, using qualitative data. Part two applied the typology to identify trajectories of change in type membership occurring over one year, based on adolescent reports.
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Largest study into impact of pandemic on global communities
The University of Southampton is taking a leading role in the largest worldwide study into the mental and physical impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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In Conversation… Prof Miranda Wolpert MBE
Head of the mental health priority area at The Wellcome Trust Professor Miranda Wolpert MBE discusses areas of research the trust is working on. Includes transcription, and links.
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Where is the I in CAMHS?
“As we enter Infant Mental Health Awareness Week, I argue that policymakers, commissioners and service providers must start thinking infant, children and young people’s mental health.”
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In Conversation… Dr Bernadka Dubicka
Bernadka discusses the IMPACT study, the use of technology among children and young people, including the positives and negatives of social media. Includes transcription, and links.
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Allowing young children to play with their friends must be prioritised as soon as possible when lockdown is eased
Play is so essential for children’s wellbeing, this blog summarises why it’s essential for children to resume playing with their peers as soon as possible.
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Helping parents and teachers deal with apprehension and anxiety when returning to school
The charity Nip in the Bud has produced a short film and fact sheet to help parents and teachers deal with any potential feelings of apprehension and anxiety that children may experience on returning to school.
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Food Sensitivities and Proclivities – Episode 6 ‘Autism, a parents guide’ with Dr. Vicki Ford
Episode 6 with Dr. Vicki Ford looks at food sensitivities and proclivities, how to build a healthy relationship with food whilst understanding the challenges for many autistic children. Includes transcription, and links.
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International Day of Families
Research on the importance of attachment and positive relationships, families ability to be a mental health intervention and some timely tips for practitioners to help parents manage challenging behaviour with homeschooling and lockdown.
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In Conversation… Prof Argyris Stringaris
Professor Argyris Stringaris discusses his research and the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) with freelance Journalist Jo Carlowe. Includes transcription, and links.
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