Anxiety in children and teenagers – supporting, understanding and signposting (recording)

This recording is for delegates ONLY and will be available for 90 days.

Anxiety disorders in young people have been increasing over the past three decades, particularly in teenage girls. But there is a big spectrum between sometimes feeling anxious, and meeting clinical criteria or being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

In this event, we explore what anxiety looks like in young people, suggest some practical tips for recognising and supporting anxious children and adolescents, hear about anxiety relating to exams, and learn more about what we know from research about the causes of anxiety.

Delegates have access to slides and recordings for 90 days.

Slides from Alex Boyd ‘What is anxiety and what does anxiety look like in children and young people?’

Slides from Pete Lawrence ‘Causes of anxiety, anxious families, and preventing anxiety: lessons from ongoing trials’

Slides from Sarah-Lou Glover ‘A parents’ experience of how to best support a young person’s anxiety’


Dr. Abby Russell, ACAMH Chair Devon and Cornwall Branch – Introduction and welcome

Dr. Alex Boyd, University of Exeter – ‘What is anxiety and what does anxiety look like in children and young people?’ (part 1)

Dr. Pete Lawrence, University of Southampton – ‘Causes of anxiety, anxious families, and preventing anxiety: lessons from ongoing trials’

Short Q&A opportunity


Professor Dave Putwain, Liverpool John Moores University – ‘Test and exam anxiety’

Sarah-Lou Glover, Parental Minds CiC – ‘A parents’ experience of how to best support a young person’s anxiety’

Alex Boyd, Clinical Psychologist, University of Exeter – ‘Practical tips to support anxious children and young people'(part 2)

Main Q&A session


About the speakers

Peter J. Lawrence

Dr. Pete Lawrence, is a clinical psychologist and scientist. His work focuses on understanding children’s development in the face of adversity. One type of adversity is common mental health problems in parents, such as anxiety and depression. Ultimately, he aims to translate this understanding into effective, scalable prevention programmes to enhance children’s development and support their families. Pete’s current work includes randomised controlled trials to test the impact of psychological programmes to prevent the development of anxiety disorders in children at risk of developing these; experimental laboratory studies of the intergenerational transmission of anxiety, and qualitative studies to understand what support parents.

David Putwain

Professor David Putwain is based in the School of Education at Liverpool John Moores University. He taught in various schools and 6th form colleges from 1994 to 2006. After completing a PhD in 2006, David joined Edge Hill University and in 2016 moved to Liverpool John Moores University. His research interests focus on how psychological factors influence, and in turn are influenced by, learning and achievement. He has a longstanding interest in test anxiety among school aged populations and the development of intervention to provide students with the tools they need to manage their test anxiety.


Dr. Alex Boyd is an experienced Clinical Psychologist and accredited CBT therapist who works both in independent practice and at the University of Exeter, as part of CEDAR, training other professionals in evidenced based parenting and mental health interventions to support young people and families. She will provide an overview how anxiety may present in young people and how parents, carers and adults working with young people can recognise the signs and symptoms as well as tips of support and how to find further help when needed.

Sarah-Lou Glover

Sarah-Lou Glover has a keen interest in the support and wellbeing of those who are supporting other’s mental wellbeing. She has developed support guides and skills workshops using the voice of family lived experience with input from professionals and researchers. Parental Minds now offer support to hundreds of parent/caregivers in Devon and they have delivered training in schools and to mental health practitioners. Sarah-Lou’s training and public speaking events are said to be ‘inspirational’ and her work has been called ‘trail blazing’.


This was a great introduction to the area. Thanks for the slides. I was keen to see Professor Putwain’s slides. Will they be available?
Simon Kitson
EDGE Psychology

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Thank you for your kind feedback! A copy of Professor Putwain’s slides have been requested and we are waiting to hear back. In the meantime, please note that you can view the slides on the recording itself. Unfortunately we just do not have a PDF version available yet.

Hello I’d like to view this recording please – is this possible?

Matt Kempen

Hello. I am sorry but at the moment this recording is only available for delegates of the session. It will be made Open Access towards the end of the year.

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