Dr. Arnon Bentovim, Child and Family Psychiatrist, and founder the Child and Family Practice discusses his work with freelance journalist Jo Carlowe.
In particular, Arnon talks about child and family training to develop and train evidence-based approaches to assessment, analysis, and intervention.
You can listen to this as a podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes.

Arnon is a Child and Family Psychiatrist, and Director of Child and Family Training. He trained as a Psycho-Analyst and Family Therapist and worked at the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and the Tavistock Clinic. He is a Visiting Professor at the Royal Holloway University of London. At Great Ormond Street he shared responsibility for Child Protection at the Hospital, and helped to initiate a number of services including the first Sexual Abuse Assessment and Treatment Service in the UK, and a Child Care Consultation Service. Research on Family Assessment formed the basis of the tools commissioned by the Department of Health to support the Assessment Framework. Child and Family Training was established to provide training and further developments