Bullying and Loneliness ‘Pedagogy in practice’ – recording

Matt Kempen
Marketing Manager for ACAMH

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ACAMH is delighted to have teamed up with the Chartered College of Teaching to present these FREE online training series entitled ‘Pedagogy in practice’.

About the session

This session focused on the topic of bullying and loneliness. It will included presentations by Dr. Verity Jones, Associate Professor, University of the West of England, Bristol, and Sharon Mangoma MCCT.

Dr. Verity Jones considered how racism (as a form of bullying) impacts the mental health and wellbeing of children 9-11 years old. The session drew on findings from ongoing interdisciplinary research with education, creative art and psychology experts, on how loneliness is experienced by young people as a result of racism. Verity considered the strategies children are using to cope with this and how teachers and schools can work towards inclusive educational experiences for young people in school. Slides

Sharon Mangoma talked about how encouraging students to reflect upon and perform intentional ‘acts of kindness’ develops perspective taking, increases social membership, and offers a structured way of encouraging kindness within the school context. Slides

The presentations were be followed by a discussion with panelists Harriet Gill, Managing Director of Education and Wellbeing, Coram Life Education, and Jenny Barksfield, Deputy CEO and Director of Education, PSHE Association.

Other resources

You are strongly encouraged to watch ACAMH’s ‘Ask the Expert’ webinar on the topic of Mental Health Conditions in Young People.

You may also find the following resources interesting to read:

ACAMH’s Bullying Topic Guide

An article from The Conversation looking at why simply punishing pupils for bullying is not sufficient

A report from the Youth Endowment Foundation – we particularly recommend reading the abstract – on the effectiveness of anti-bullying programmes

About the ‘Pedagogy in practice’ series

‘Pedagogy in Practice’ is a series of free online events exclusively for teachers and school leaders, and offer insights into best practice in supporting children and adolescents on a range of topics that form part of the statutory Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE curriculum). The series is delivered by an exciting partnership between The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) and the Chartered College of Teaching – the professional body for teaching – two charities dedicated to supporting teachers to make a difference to the mental wellbeing of children and young people and deliver the best possible education.

These sessions will build on our previous ‘Ask the Expert’ webinars, and delegates for this session are strongly encouraged to watch these, and in particular the topic of Mental Health Conditions in Young People. All of these sessions plus a host of other free resources for teachers can be found on our Teacher Hub.

The Chartered College of Teaching

The Chartered College of Teaching is the professional body for teachers. We are working to celebrate, support and connect teachers to take pride in their profession and provide the best possible education for children and young people. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between practice and research and equipping teachers from the second they enter the classroom with the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for their pupils.


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