CAMH Special Issue – ‘Mental Health and the Global Ecological Crisis’
To accompany the CAMH Special Issue on ‘Child and youth mental health & the global ecological crisis’ (January 2022), ACAMH is proud to bring you a series of events, content, and Open Access papers, focusing on the mental health implications of climate change.
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Hope and courage in the climate crisis – recording
This was the third session celebrating the launch of the CAMH Special Issue on ‘Child and youth mental health & the global ecological crisis’ (due to be published in January 2022). ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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New – Letters to the Editor in CAMH
We want you to get more involved with the CAMH journal, whether you are an ACAMH Member or not. We are now are pleased to offer you the chance to be published in the journal via our new feature ‘Letters to the Editor’.
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A digest of the published work of Michael Rutter
A digest of the published work of Michael Rutter by Jim Stevenson, Emeritus Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, University of Southampton. Revised December 2021
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Short Research Articles in CAMH – the dynamic needs and the accruing benefits
CAMH is now open for Short Research Article submissions and we encourage any interested authors to submit. The Short Research Article section of CAMH aims to facilitate publications of succinct scientific information that will advance the field of CAMH such that there is a prompt change in an ongoing clinical practice or perspective.
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2021 Top 10 Downloaded Journal Papers
The results are in, and in recognition of the success of our three journals, the JCPP, the CAMH and JCPP Advances, we are proud to present the top 10 most downloaded papers for each journal, published in 2021.
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COVID & the impact on Mental Health of School Closures – CAMHS around the Campfire recording
For this session we welcomed Dr. Karen Mansfield, a postdoctoral research scientist from the School Mental Health Project, Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford, to discuss her JCPP Advances paper ‘‘Covid-19 partial school closures and mental health problems: a cross sectional survey of 11,000 adolescents to determine those most at risk’’. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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‘NDC Learning Series’ – Medications and Physical Health recording
We welcomed Dr. Mark Lovell and Dr. Max Davie. with a session that will focus on ‘Medications and Physical Health’. The Chair of this session was Dr. Ann Ozsivadjian. This was the fifth, of the ‘NDC Learning Series’ aimed at health professionals who come into contact with children and young people who have Neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs).
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Climate Change Impacting Mental Health – recording
This event discussed the impact climate change is having on young people’s mental health. This is part of a series of events leading up to the CAMH Special Issue on ‘Child and youth mental health & the global ecological crisis’, due to be published in January 2022. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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‘NDC Learning Series’ – NDCs in schools
We welcomed Dr. James Galpin with a session that focused on ‘NDCs in schools’. The Chair of this session was Dr. Mark Lovell. This was the fourth of the ‘NDC Learning Series’ aimed at health professionals who come into contact with children and young people who have Neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs).
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