
  • Zoë Haime

    Engaging Young People in Conversations Exploring the Impact of Their Online Use on Mental Health

    Young people have better access to the internet than ever before, with those under 18 accounting for one in three internet users globally. Recently, The Royal College of the Psychiatrists in the UK advised that social media and online use should be considered in assessing risk of all young people they meet. However, it is currently unclear whether this advice has been implemented in practice.

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  • AnaCristina Bedoya

    Don’t blame the children: Supporting families with young children

    Most research on the relationships between children and their parents focuses on the effects parents and their parenting have on children and their behaviour. However, researchers are more and more recognising and studying the impact that children’s behaviour can have on the wellbeing of their parents, in turn further affecting children’s development. AnaCristina Bedoya (pic), Jill Portnoy Donaghy and Dr. Keri Wong.

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  • jcpp advances

    JCPP Advances now indexed on PubMedCentral

    The PubMedCentral (PMC) archive for JCPP Advances is now live. Now in it’s third year, this is a fantastic achievement for JCPP Advances and provides increased discoverability and visibility to papers published in the journal. The PMC is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature and contains more than 8 million full-text article records.

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  • awards 2023

    ACAMH Awards 2023 Nominees Long list

    See who made the nominees longlist for the 2023 ACAMH Awards.

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  • domestic violence child mental health

    Interrelationships between parental mental health, intimate partner violence and child mental health – implications for practice (recording)

    This webinar was led by Prof. Gene Feder, Dr Shabeer Syed, and Dr Claire Powell on behalf of the NIHR Children and Families Policy Research Unit, and was organised by ACAMH’s Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Special Interest Group Monthly seminars.

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  • Michael Marmot

    Health inequalities, children and young people – Professor Sir Michael Marmot

    This lecture from Professor Sir Michael Marmot ‘Health inequalities, children and young people’ was the keynote from the 2023 CAMH Lecture.

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  • journal covers camh

    CAMH 2023 Lecture recording

    The CAMH 2023 Lecture featured a series of lectures from leading researchers, academics and practitioners on key topics in the field of child and adolescent mental health.

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  • Sally Hogg

    Being and Becoming Mentally Healthy: A framework for understanding the mental health of babies and young children

    Although there is increasing interest and investment in infant mental health, the term itself is not well understood. To support professionals to work together to protect and promote babies’ and young children’s mental health, we have worked with UNICEF-UK to create a new framework describing what it means to be mentally healthy in this life stage. The framework has two parts, “Being” and “Becoming” capturing both babies’ and young children’s current mental health as well as the capacities they are developing that will enable them to be mentally healthy in the future.

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  • Dave McPartlan

    Developing schools to enhance young people’s mental health

    Research has shown that many risk factors influence young people’s mental health needs, one of which is school expectations. The youth mental health crisis continues, with one in six young people (aged 6-16) having a probable mental health problem. My research aimed to determine what young people thought of their mental health strategy. However, the way in which the research process developed suggests schools have much more to offer than just specific mental health support.

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  • Covid-19’s impact on Loneliness and Mental Health: A Study of Schizotypal Traits and Paranoia

    The Covid pandemic lockdown has affected us differently, with some people being impacted more than others. Extensive research has indicated that lockdowns – which broadly include isolation measures, such as, in the UK, being required to stay at home unless for essential reasons – have disproportionately impacted individuals with higher levels of paranoia.

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